Source code for indra_network_search.rest_util

"""Utility functions for the Network Search API and Rest API"""
import inspect
import json
import logging
from os import path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import networkx as nx
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from depmap_analysis.scripts.dump_new_graphs import *
from import (
from depmap_analysis.util.io_functions import file_opener
from fnvhash import fnv1a_32
from indra_db.util.s3_path import S3Path

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

API_PATH = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))
CACHE = path.join(API_PATH, "_cache")

# Derived type hints
StrNode = Union[str, Tuple[str, int]]
StrEdge = Tuple[StrNode, StrNode]
StrNodeSeq = Union[List[StrNode], Set[StrEdge]]

def sorted_json_string(jsonable_dict: Dict) -> str:
    """Produce a string that is unique to a json's contents

    jsonable_dict :
        A dict representation of a JSON to create a sorted string out of

        The sorted string representation of the JSON
    if isinstance(jsonable_dict, str):
        return jsonable_dict
    elif isinstance(jsonable_dict, (tuple, list)):
        return "[%s]" % (",".join(sorted(sorted_json_string(s) for s in jsonable_dict)))
    elif isinstance(jsonable_dict, dict):
        return "{%s}" % (",".join(sorted(k + sorted_json_string(v) for k, v in jsonable_dict.items())))
    elif isinstance(jsonable_dict, (int, float)):
        return str(jsonable_dict)
    elif jsonable_dict is None:
        return json.dumps(jsonable_dict)
        raise TypeError("Invalid type: %s" % type(jsonable_dict))

[docs]def get_query_hash(query_json: Dict, ignore_keys: Optional[Union[Set, List]] = None) -> int: """Create an FNV-1a 32-bit hash from the query json Parameters ---------- query_json : A json compatible query dict ignore_keys : A list or set of keys to ignore in the query_json. By default, no keys are ignored. Default: None. Returns ------- : An FNV-1a 32-bit hash of the query json ignoring the keys in ignore_keys """ if ignore_keys: if set(ignore_keys).difference(query_json.keys()): missing = set(ignore_keys).difference(query_json.keys()) logger.warning( 'Ignore key(s) "%s" are not in the provided query_json and ' "will be skipped..." % str('", "'.join(missing)) ) query_json = {k: v for k, v in query_json.items() if k not in ignore_keys} return fnv1a_32(sorted_json_string(query_json).encode("utf-8"))
def get_latest_graphs() -> Dict[str, str]: """Return the s3 urls to the latest unsigned and signed graphs available Returns ------- : A dict of the S3 keys of the latest unsigned and signed graphs """ s3 = get_s3_client(unsigned=False) tree = get_s3_file_tree(s3=s3, bucket=NET_BUCKET, prefix=NETS_PREFIX, with_dt=True) keys = [key for key in tree.gets("key") if key[0].endswith(".pkl")] # Sort newest first keys.sort(key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True) # Find latest graph of each type latest_graphs = {} for graph_type in [INDRA_DG, INDRA_SNG, INDRA_SEG]: for key, _ in keys: if graph_type in key: s3_url = f"s3://{NET_BUCKET}/{key}" latest_graphs[graph_type] = s3_url break if len(latest_graphs) == 0: logger.warning(f"Found no graphs at s3://{NET_BUCKET}" f"/{NETS_PREFIX}/*.pkl") return latest_graphs
[docs]def load_indra_graph( unsigned_graph: bool = True, unsigned_multi_graph: bool = False, sign_edge_graph: bool = False, sign_node_graph: bool = True, use_cache: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Optional[nx.DiGraph], Optional[nx.MultiDiGraph], Optional[nx.DiGraph], Optional[nx.MultiDiGraph],]: """Return a tuple of graphs to be used in the network search API Parameters ---------- unsigned_graph : Load the latest unsigned graph. Default: True. unsigned_multi_graph : Load the latest unsigned multi graph. Default: False. sign_node_graph : Load the latest signed node graph. Default: True. sign_edge_graph : Load the latest signed edge graph. Default: False. use_cache : If True, try to load files from the designated local cache Returns ------- Tuple[nx.DiGraph, nx.MultiDiGraph, nx.MultiDiGraph, nx.DiGraph] Returns, as a tuple: - unsigned graph - unsigned multi graph - signed edge graph - signed node graph If a graph was not chosen to be loaded or wasn't found, None will be returned in its place in the tuple. """ # Initialize graphs indra_dir_graph = None indra_multi_di_graph = None indra_signed_edge_graph = None indra_signed_node_graph = None if use_cache: indra_mdg_cache = path.join(CACHE, INDRA_MDG) indra_dg_cache = path.join(CACHE, INDRA_DG) indra_sng_cache = path.join(CACHE, INDRA_SNG) indra_seg_cache = path.join(CACHE, INDRA_SEG) # Load unsigned if unsigned_graph: if path.isfile(indra_dg_cache): indra_dir_graph = file_opener(indra_dg_cache) else: logger.warning(f"File {indra_dg_cache} does not exist") # Load multi digraph if unsigned_multi_graph: if path.isfile(indra_mdg_cache): indra_multi_di_graph = file_opener(indra_mdg_cache) else: logger.warning(f"File {indra_mdg_cache} does not exist") # Load signed node if sign_node_graph: if path.isfile(indra_sng_cache): indra_signed_node_graph = file_opener(indra_sng_cache) else: logger.warning(f"File {indra_sng_cache} does not exist") # Load signed edge if sign_edge_graph: if path.isfile(indra_seg_cache): indra_signed_edge_graph = file_opener(indra_seg_cache) else: logger.warning(f"File {indra_seg_cache} does not exist") else: # Load from S3 latest_graphs = get_latest_graphs() if unsigned_graph: if latest_graphs.get(INDRA_DG): indra_dir_graph = file_opener(latest_graphs[INDRA_DG]) else: logger.warning(f"{INDRA_DG} was not found") if unsigned_multi_graph: if latest_graphs.get(INDRA_MDG): indra_multi_di_graph = file_opener(latest_graphs[INDRA_MDG]) else: logger.warning(f"{INDRA_MDG} was not found") if sign_node_graph: if latest_graphs.get(INDRA_SNG): indra_signed_node_graph = file_opener(latest_graphs[INDRA_SNG]) else: logger.warning(f"{INDRA_SNG} was not found") if sign_edge_graph: if latest_graphs.get(INDRA_SEG): indra_signed_edge_graph = file_opener(latest_graphs[INDRA_SEG]) else: logger.warning(f"{INDRA_SEG} was not found") return ( indra_dir_graph, indra_multi_di_graph, indra_signed_edge_graph, indra_signed_node_graph, )
[docs]def dump_query_json_to_s3(query_hash: Union[str, int], json_obj: Dict, get_url: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: """Dump a query json to S3 Parameters ---------- query_hash : The query hash associated with the query json_obj : The json object to upload get_url : If True return the S3 url of the object. Default: False. Returns ------- : Optionally return the S3 url of the json file """ filename = f"{query_hash}_query.json" return dump_query_result_to_s3(filename, json_obj, get_url)
[docs]def dump_result_json_to_s3(query_hash: Union[str, int], json_obj: Dict, get_url: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: """Dump a result json to S3 Parameters ---------- query_hash : The query hash associated with the result json_obj : The json object to upload get_url : If True return the S3 url of the object. Default: False. Returns ------- : Optionally return the S3 url of the json file """ filename = f"{query_hash}_result.json" return dump_query_result_to_s3(filename, json_obj, get_url)
[docs]def dump_query_result_to_s3(filename: str, json_obj: Dict, get_url: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: """Dump a result or query json from the network search to S3 Parameters ---------- filename : The filename to use json_obj : The json object to upload get_url : If True return the S3 url of the object. Default: False. Returns ------- : Optionally return the S3 url of the json file """ download_link = dump_json_to_s3(name=filename, json_obj=json_obj, public=True, get_url=get_url) if get_url: return download_link.split("?")[0] return None
[docs]def check_existence_and_date_s3(query_hash: Union[int, str]) -> Dict[str, str]: """Check if a query hash has corresponding result and query json on S3 Parameters ---------- query_hash : The query hash to check Returns ------- : Dict with S3 key for query and corresponding result, if they exist """ s3 = get_s3_client(unsigned=False) key_prefix = "indra_network_search/%s" % query_hash query_json_key = key_prefix + "_query.json" result_json_key = key_prefix + "_result.json" exists_dict = {} # Get query json try: query_json = s3.head_object(Bucket=DUMPS_BUCKET, Key=query_json_key) except ClientError: query_json = "" if query_json: exists_dict["query_json_key"] = S3Path.from_key_parts(DUMPS_BUCKET, query_json_key).to_string() # Get result json try: result_json = s3.head_object(Bucket=DUMPS_BUCKET, Key=result_json_key) except ClientError: result_json = "" if result_json: exists_dict["result_json_key"] = S3Path.from_key_parts(DUMPS_BUCKET, result_json_key).to_string() return exists_dict
[docs]def get_default_args(func: Callable) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns the default args of a function as a dictionary Returns a dictionary of {arg: default} of the arguments that have default values. Arguments without default values and `**kwargs` type arguments are excluded. Code copied from: Parameters ---------- func : Function to find default arguments for Returns ------- : A dictionary with the default values keyed by argument name """ signature = inspect.signature(func) return {k: v.default for k, v in signature.parameters.items() if v.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty}
[docs]def get_mandatory_args(func: Callable) -> Set[str]: """Returns the mandatory args for a function as a set Returns the set of arguments names of a functions that are mandatory, i.e. does not have a default value. `**kwargs` type arguments are ignored. Parameters ---------- func : Function to find mandatory arguments for Returns ------- : The of mandatory arguments """ signature = inspect.signature(func) return {k for k, v in signature.parameters.items() if v.default is inspect.Parameter.empty}
[docs]def is_context_weighted(mesh_id_list: List[str], strict_filtering: bool) -> bool: """Return True if context weighted Parameters ---------- mesh_id_list : A list of mesh ids strict_filtering : whether to run strict context filtering or not Returns ------- : True for the combination of mesh ids being present and unstrict filtering, otherwise False """ if mesh_id_list and not strict_filtering: return True return False
[docs]def is_weighted(weighted: bool, mesh_ids: List[str], strict_mesh_filtering: bool) -> bool: """Return True if the combination is either weighted or context weighted Parameters ---------- weighted : If a query is weighted or not mesh_ids : A list of mesh ids strict_mesh_filtering : bool whether to run strict context filtering or not Returns ------- : True if the combination is either weighted or context weighted """ if mesh_ids: ctx_w = is_context_weighted(mesh_id_list=mesh_ids, strict_filtering=strict_mesh_filtering) return weighted or ctx_w else: return weighted