Source code for indra_network_search.data_models.__init__

This file contains data models for queries, results and arguments to algorithm
# todo:
#  - Use constr(to_lower=True) in appropriate places to enforce lowercase:
#     + node_blacklist
#     + allowed_ns
#     + stmt_filter (allowed statement types)
#  - Use constr(min_length=N) to enforce that str fields are not empty
#  - Figure out how to use conlist and other con* enforcers for e.g.:
#     + Enforce hashes to be int and/or str
#     + Lowercase for string filters
#  - Figure out how to do "at least one of" filters. See:
#    Related: Check if it's possible to apply a setting that can be set on
#    creation to allow different checks, e.g. allow either of:
#          1) source XOR target
#          2) source AND target
#  - In FilterOptions, set overall weighted based on values of weighted
#    context weighted. See here for more info:
#  - Make the is_empty method also look into the children of the object?
import logging
from collections import Counter
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

from depmap_analysis.network_functions.net_functions import SIGNS_TO_INT_SIGN
from indra.explanation.pathfinding.util import EdgeFilter
from networkx import DiGraph
from pydantic import (

from indra_network_search.rest_util import (

    # Py 3.8+
    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    # Py 3.7-
    from typing_extensions import Literal

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Set defaults
MAX_TIMEOUT = 590  # Less than timeout on the load balancer and nginx
    "belief": "weight",
    "context": "context_weight",
    "z_score": "corr_weight",
    "unweighted": None,

# Models for API options and filtering options
[docs]class ApiOptions(BaseModel): """Options that determine API behaviour""" sign: Optional[int] = None fplx_expand: Optional[bool] = False user_timeout: Optional[Union[float, bool]] = False two_way: Optional[bool] = False shared_regulators: Optional[bool] = False format: Optional[str] = "json"
[docs]class FilterOptions(BaseModel): """Options for filtering out nodes or edges""" stmt_filter: List[constr(to_lower=True)] = [] allowed_ns: List[constr(to_lower=True)] = [] node_blacklist: List[str] = [] path_length: Optional[int] = None belief_cutoff: float = 0.0 curated_db_only: bool = False max_paths: int = 50 cull_best_node: Optional[int] = None weighted: Optional[Literal["weight", "context_weight", "corr_weight"]] = None context_weighted: bool = False overall_weighted: bool = False
[docs] def no_filters(self) -> bool: """Return True if all filter options are set to defaults""" return ( len(self.stmt_filter) == 0 and len(self.allowed_ns) == 0 and len(self.node_blacklist) == 0 and self.path_length is None and self.belief_cutoff == 0.0 and self.curated_db_only is False )
[docs] def no_stmt_filters(self): """Return True if the stmt filter options allow all statements""" return self.belief_cutoff == 0.0 and len(self.stmt_filter) == 0 and self.curated_db_only is False
[docs] def no_node_filters(self): """Return True if the node filter options allow all nodes""" return len(self.node_blacklist) == 0 and len(self.allowed_ns) == 0
[docs]class NetworkSearchQuery(BaseModel): """The query model for network searches""" source: constr(strip_whitespace=True) = "" target: constr(strip_whitespace=True) = "" stmt_filter: List[constr(to_lower=True, strip_whitespace=True)] = [] filter_curated: bool = True allowed_ns: List[constr(to_lower=True, strip_whitespace=True)] = [] node_blacklist: List[str] = [] path_length: Optional[int] = None depth_limit: int = 2 sign: Optional[conint(ge=0, le=1)] = None weighted: Literal["belief", "context", "z_score", "unweighted"] = "unweighted" belief_cutoff: Union[float, bool] = 0.0 curated_db_only: bool = False fplx_expand: bool = False k_shortest: int = 50 max_per_node: int = 5 cull_best_node: Optional[int] = None mesh_ids: List[str] = [] strict_mesh_id_filtering: bool = False const_c: int = 1 const_tk: int = 10 user_timeout: Union[float, bool] = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT two_way: bool = False shared_regulators: bool = False terminal_ns: List[str] = [] format: str = "json" # This attribute is probably obsolete now
[docs] @validator("path_length") def is_positive_int(cls, pl: int): """Validate path_length >= 1 if given""" if isinstance(pl, int) and pl < 1: raise ValueError("path_length must be integer > 0") return pl
[docs] @validator("max_per_node") def is_pos_int(cls, mpn: Union[int, bool]): """Validate max_per_node >= 1 if given""" if isinstance(mpn, int) and mpn < 1: raise ValueError("max_per_node must be integer > 0") return mpn
[docs] @validator("cull_best_node") def is_int_gt2(cls, cbn: Optional[int]): """Validate cull_best_node >= 2""" if isinstance(cbn, int) and cbn < 2: raise ValueError("cull_best_node must be integer > 1 if provided") return cbn
class Config: allow_mutation = False # Error for any attempt to change attributes extra = Extra.forbid # Error if non-specified attributes are given
[docs] def is_overall_weighted(self) -> bool: """Return True if this query is weighted This method is used to determine if a weighted search needs to be done using either of shortest_simple_paths and open_dijkstra_search. The exception to self.weighted not being None but still be unweighted is strict mesh id search. """ return is_weighted( weighted=self.weighted in ("belief", "z_score"), mesh_ids=self.mesh_ids, strict_mesh_filtering=self.strict_mesh_id_filtering, )
[docs] def is_context_weighted(self): """Return True if this query is context weighted""" return is_context_weighted(mesh_id_list=self.mesh_ids, strict_filtering=self.strict_mesh_id_filtering)
[docs] def get_hash(self): """Get the corresponding query hash of the query""" return get_query_hash(self.dict(), ignore_keys=["format"])
[docs] def get_int_sign(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return the integer representation of the sign""" if self.sign is None or self.sign == "": return None try: sign = int(self.sign) assert sign in (0, 1) except Exception as exc: f"Could not convert {self.sign} of type " f"{type(self.sign)} to int ({str(exc)}), trying " f"SIGNS mapping" ) sign = SIGNS_TO_INT_SIGN.get(self.sign) return sign
[docs] def get_filter_options(self) -> FilterOptions: """Returns the filter options""" return FilterOptions( stmt_filter=self.stmt_filter, allowed_ns=self.allowed_ns, node_blacklist=self.node_blacklist, path_length=self.path_length, belief_cutoff=self.belief_cutoff, curated_db_only=self.curated_db_only, max_paths=self.k_shortest, cull_best_node=self.cull_best_node, overall_weighted=self.is_overall_weighted(), weighted=WEIGHT_NAME_MAPPING.get(self.weighted), context_weighted=is_context_weighted( mesh_id_list=self.mesh_ids, strict_filtering=self.strict_mesh_id_filtering, ), )
# Models for the run options # Todo: # 1. instead of manually setting defaults here, use introspection of # function and look up functions default: # >>> def func(par: int = 0): # ... return par # >>> import inspect # >>> func_pars = inspect.signature(func).parameters # >>> arg = func_pars['par'] # >>> arg.default # 2. For "not-None" defaults: set value to default if None is provided: # # Good for e.g. max_paths
[docs]class ShortestSimplePathOptions(BaseModel): """Arguments for indra.explanation.pathfinding.shortest_simple_paths""" source: Union[str, Tuple[str, int]] target: Union[str, Tuple[str, int]] weight: Optional[str] = None ignore_nodes: Optional[Set[str]] = None ignore_edges: Optional[Set[Tuple[str, str]]] = None hashes: Optional[List[int]] = None ref_counts_function: Optional[Callable] = None strict_mesh_id_filtering: Optional[bool] = False const_c: Optional[int] = 1 const_tk: Optional[int] = 10
[docs]class BreadthFirstSearchOptions(BaseModel): """Arguments for indra.explanation.pathfinding.bfs_search""" source_node: Union[str, Tuple[str, int]] reverse: Optional[bool] = False depth_limit: Optional[int] = 2 path_limit: Optional[int] = None max_per_node: Optional[int] = 5 node_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None node_blacklist: Optional[Set[str]] = None terminal_ns: Optional[List[str]] = None sign: Optional[int] = None max_memory: Optional[int] = int(2 ** 29) hashes: Optional[List[int]] = None allow_edge: Optional[Callable[[DiGraph, StrNode, StrNode], bool]] = None edge_filter: Optional[EdgeFilter] = None strict_mesh_id_filtering: Optional[bool] = False
[docs]class DijkstraOptions(BaseModel): """Arguments for open_dijkstra_search""" start: Union[str, Tuple[str, int]] reverse: Optional[bool] = False path_limit: Optional[int] = None # node_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None # Currently not implemented hashes: Optional[List[int]] = None ignore_nodes: Optional[List[str]] = None ignore_edges: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None terminal_ns: Optional[List[str]] = None weight: Optional[str] = None ref_counts_function: Optional[Callable] = None const_c: Optional[int] = 1 const_tk: Optional[int] = 10
[docs]class SharedInteractorsOptions(BaseModel): """Arguments for indra_network_search.pathfinding.shared_interactors""" source: StrNode target: StrNode allowed_ns: Optional[List[str]] = None stmt_types: Optional[List[str]] = None source_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None max_results: Optional[int] = 50 regulators: Optional[bool] = False sign: Optional[int] = None
[docs]class OntologyOptions(BaseModel): """Arguments for indra_network_search.pathfinding.shared_parents""" source_ns: str source_id: str target_ns: str target_id: str max_paths: int = 50 immediate_only: Optional[bool] = False is_a_part_of: Optional[Set[str]] = None
[docs]class MultiInteractorsOptions(BaseModel): """Multi interactors options""" nodes: List[str] downstream: bool allowed_ns: Optional[List[str]] = None stmt_types: Optional[List[str]] = None source_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None max_results: int = 50 hash_blacklist: Optional[Set[int]] = None node_blacklist: Optional[List[str]] = None belief_cutoff: float = 0.0 curated_db_only: bool = False
# Models and sub-models for the Results
[docs]class Node(BaseModel): """Data for a node""" name: Optional[constr(min_length=1)] namespace: constr(min_length=1) identifier: constr(min_length=1) lookup: Optional[constr(min_length=1)] sign: Optional[conint(ge=0, le=1)]
[docs] def get_unsigned_node(self): """Get unsigned version of this node instance""" return self.__class__(**self.dict(exclude={"sign"}, exclude_defaults=True))
[docs] def signed_node_tuple(self) -> Tuple[str, int]: """Get a signed node tuple of node name and node sign Returns ------- : A name, sign tuple Raises ------ TypeError If sign is not defined, a TypeError """ if self.sign is None: raise TypeError("Node is unsigned, unable to produce a signed " "node tuple") return, self.sign
[docs]class StmtData(BaseModel): """Data for one statement supporting an edge""" stmt_type: str evidence_count: conint(ge=1) stmt_hash: Union[int, HttpUrl] source_counts: Dict[str, int] belief: confloat(ge=0.0, le=1.0) curated: bool english: str weight: Optional[float] = None residue: Optional[str] = "" position: Optional[str] = "" initial_sign: Optional[conint(ge=0, le=1)] = None db_url_hash: str # Linkout to hash-level
[docs]class StmtTypeSupport(BaseModel): """Data per statement type""" stmt_type: str source_counts: Dict[str, int] = {} statements: List[StmtData]
[docs] def set_source_counts(self): """Updates the source count field from the set statement data""" self.source_counts = sum([Counter(**sd.source_counts) for sd in self.statements], Counter())
[docs]class EdgeData(BaseModel): """Data for one single edge""" edge: List[Node] # Edge supported by statements statements: Dict[str, StmtTypeSupport] # key by stmt_type belief: confloat(ge=0, le=1) # Aggregated belief weight: confloat(ge=0) # Weight corresponding to aggregated belief weight context_weight: Union[str, confloat(gt=0), Literal["N/A"]] = "N/A" # Set for context z_score: Optional[float] = None # z-score corr_weight: Optional[confloat(gt=0.0)] = None # Weight from z-score sign: Optional[conint(ge=0, le=1)] # Used for signed paths db_url_edge: str # Linkout to subj-obj level source_counts: Dict[str, int] = {}
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool: """Return True if len(statements) == 0""" return len(self.statements) == 0
[docs] def set_source_counts(self): """Updates the source count from the contained data in self.statements""" self.source_counts = sum( [Counter(**sts.source_counts) for sts in self.statements.values()], Counter(), )
[docs]class EdgeDataByHash(BaseModel): """Data for one single edge, with data keyed by hash""" edge: List[Node] stmts: Dict[int, StmtData] # Hash remain as int for JSON belief: float weight: float db_url_edge: str # Linkout to subj-obj level url_by_type: Dict[str, str] # Linkout per statement type
# sign: Optional[int] # Used for signed paths # context_weight: Union[str, float] = 'N/A' # Set for context search
[docs]class Path(BaseModel): """Results for a single path""" # The entries are assumed to be co-ordered # path = [a, b, c] # edge_data = [EdgeData(a, b), EdgeData(b, c)] path: List[Node] # Contains the path edge_data: List[EdgeData] # Contains supporting data, same order as path
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool: """Return True if len(path) == 0 or len(edge_data) == 0""" return len(self.path) == 0 or len(self.edge_data) == 0
[docs]class PathResultData(BaseModel): """Results for any of the path algorithms""" # Results for bfs_search, shortest_simple_paths and open_dijkstra_search # It is assumed that at least one of source or target will be set source: Optional[Node] = None target: Optional[Node] = None paths: Dict[int, List[Path]] # keyed by node count
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool: """Return True if paths list is empty""" return len(self.paths) == 0
[docs]class OntologyResults(BaseModel): """Results for shared_parents""" source: Node target: Node parents: List[Node]
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool: """Return True if parents list is empty""" return len(self.parents) == 0
[docs]class SharedInteractorsResults(BaseModel): """Results for shared targets and shared regulators""" # s->x; t->x source_data: List[EdgeData] target_data: List[EdgeData] downstream: bool
[docs] def is_empty(self): """Return True if both source and target data is empty""" return len(self.source_data) == 0 and len(self.target_data) == 0
[docs]class SubgraphResults(BaseModel): """Results for get_subgraph_edges""" input_nodes: List[Node] not_in_graph: List[Node] available_nodes: List[Node] edges: List[EdgeDataByHash]
[docs]class MultiInteractorsResults(BaseModel): """Results post direct_multi_interactors""" targets: List[Node] regulators: List[Node] edge_data: List[EdgeData] = []
[docs]class Results(BaseModel): """The model wrapping all results from the NetworkSearchQuery""" query_hash: str time_limit: float timed_out: bool hashes: List[str] = [] # Cast as string for JavaScript path_results: Optional[PathResultData] = None reverse_path_results: Optional[PathResultData] = None ontology_results: Optional[OntologyResults] = None shared_target_results: Optional[SharedInteractorsResults] = None shared_regulators_results: Optional[SharedInteractorsResults] = None
[docs]class MultiInteractorsRestQuery(BaseModel): """Multi interactors rest query""" nodes: List[str] downstream: bool allowed_ns: Optional[List[constr(strip_whitespace=True, to_lower=True, min_length=1)]] = None stmt_types: Optional[List[constr(strip_whitespace=True, to_lower=True, min_length=1)]] = None source_filter: Optional[List[constr(strip_whitespace=True, to_lower=True, min_length=1)]] = None max_results: int = 50 node_blacklist: Optional[List[str]] = None belief_cutoff: float = 0.0 curated_db_only: bool = False timeout: confloat(ge=5.0, le=120.0) = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
[docs]class SubgraphRestQuery(BaseModel): """Subgraph query""" nodes: conlist(item_type=Node, min_items=1, max_items=4000) timeout: confloat(ge=1, le=MAX_TIMEOUT) = MAX_TIMEOUT
[docs]class SubgraphOptions(BaseModel): """Argument for indra_network_search.pathfinding.get_subgraph_edges""" nodes: List[Node]
[docs]def basemodels_equal( basemodel: BaseModel, other_basemodel: BaseModel, any_item: bool, exclude: Optional[Set[str]] = None, ) -> bool: """Wrapper to test two basemodels for equality, can exclude irrelevant keys Parameters ---------- basemodel : BaseModel to test against other_basemodel other_basemodel : BaseModel to test against basemodel any_item : If True, use any() when testing collections for equality, otherwise use all(), i.e. the collections must match exactly exclude : A set of field names to exclude from the basemodels Returns ------- : True if the two models are equal """ b1d = basemodel.dict(exclude=exclude) b2d = other_basemodel.dict(exclude=exclude) qual_func = any if any_item else all return qual_func(_equals(b1d[k1], b2d[k2], any_item) for k1, k2 in zip(b1d, b2d))
def _equals( d1: Union[str, int, float, List, Set, Tuple, Dict], d2: Union[str, int, float, List, Set, Tuple, Dict], any_item: bool, ) -> bool: qual_func = any if any_item else all if d1 is None: return d2 is None elif isinstance(d1, (str, int, float)): return d1 == d2 elif isinstance(d1, (list, tuple)): return qual_func(_equals(e1, e2, any_item) for e1, e2 in zip(d1, d2)) elif isinstance(d1, set): return d1 == d2 elif isinstance(d1, dict): return qual_func(_equals(d1[k1], d2[k2], False) for k1, k2 in zip(d1, d2)) else: raise TypeError(f"Unable to do comparison of type {type(d1)}")
[docs]def basemodel_in_iterable( basemodel: BaseModel, iterable: Iterable, any_item: bool, exclude: Optional[Set[str]] = None, ) -> bool: """Test if a basemodel object is part of a collection Parameters ---------- basemodel : A BaseModel to test membership in iterable for iterable : An iterable that contains objects to test for equality with basemodel any_item : If True, use any() when testing collections for equality, otherwise use all(), i.e. the collections must match exactly exclude : A set of field names to exclude from the basemodels Returns ------- : True if basemodel is found in the collection """ return any( [ basemodels_equal( basemodel=basemodel, other_basemodel=ob, any_item=any_item, exclude=exclude, ) for ob in iterable ] )